Now you Can Hide a Page!
One feature our customers have requested is to be able to hide one of your pages, so it doesn't show up as a button or a page link.

Why would you want to hide a page?

  • Hidden Downloads for selling E-books.

  • Archiving old pages you may want to use later

For my own purposes, I find hiding a page link extremely useful when I want to save a page to use later. On, for example, we had a few pages that were no longer current, but they included research and other information that would be difficult to do again. Instead of having to recreate the entire page later, we can just hide it for now.

Customers requested this feature mainly to hide pages that they wanted to use for selling downloads, such as e-books, music, and more.

To use this new feature, you will find a new check box on the BUTTONS screen. Select the page you would like to hide in your control panel and click BUTTONS. Check the box that says that you want to hide the button/link. When you save your changes, all links and buttons for the page will disappear. If you want them back, just go back and uncheck the box, and save your changes!

Mitch Cohen - Webmaster

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